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Appreciation and respect for sound and nature, over that of the artist

Deciding on a prime number to focus on as a basis for microtonality, is generally my first step. In other words, finding a relationship to celebrate. This is a very enjoyable step for me; finding symbolism in the interpretation of that relationship and matching it to the desired mood of the melodic form.

I see notes as both isolated particles and as flowing waves which describe the contour of the melodic form. Praxis uses the natural interference between the melody and the accompaniment as expression, using vibrato more sparingly.

Spectral percussion; the art of sculpting sound in cycles, is integral to my process. The cycle represents a window of time; in this window the harmonic relationships paint a picture. A combination of resonant and non-resonant tones fit perfectly divided across that canvas, highlighting/framing the interference that is already present in the sound.

Subdividing windows of time into pulses is a natural phenomenon. Windows within windows are observed. Respecting that, I structure every rhythmic component in accordance. With an understanding of harmonic rhythm within the polyphonic harmonies, the pulse is already defined, and I follow up with spectral coloration of the divisions.

Using all aspects of music unified through the harmony of its aspects rooted in 2Pi, the circle, is my craft. Relationship. We all need it. We all experience it. This is my art. Time and Place, and intensity therein.

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